The story behind the images:
Moving to downtown Asheville 4 years ago in order to create and work on the book "Sock Monkey Dreams", I found myself delivered into the magical world of unrestrained creativity and new bohemia called Lexington Avenue. I had only planned on staying a few months but instead found myself trapped in what the locals call “the Vortex”. Rich in literary history as the early stomping grounds of Thomas Wolfe and O. Henry, it’s a haven for artists, musicians, and other creative types and is urban living at it's fullest. A rare freedom in the rural and often conservative South. The fresh idea of becoming a downtown Ashevillian was exciting but the realization of not having a yard, porch or space to gather my thoughts and rest in peace outside the confines of my home was something I was having trouble adapting to. That was until I discovered a different kind of retreat...Izzy's Coffee Den. It was and remains an oasis for those to gather away from their home, studio or local “service” job. Initially this project was created as a gift to honor Rob and Genae who created Izzy's. They pulled together a community that would have otherwise just passed on the street, maybe passing a glance or saying hello but never stopping to really meet. Now the ownership has been passed on to the new barista Amber whom I wish all the best.
Style wise the photography in this project was inspired by the documentary work of Richard Avedon’s "In the American West". Stark white backgrounds where the people are the only subject and only textures. It’s my attempt to capture each and everyone's unique personality without any distractions.
For me the biggest reward was meeting so many wonderful people and I am extremely grateful for everyone’s support through out. For each one of those I photographed there were probably another three that I wish could have made it in. Shooting for nearly 2 years I eventually had to pull the plug in order to hang the show so if you didn't make it the first time...I'm sorry. In my love for the people of Lexington Avenue and my obsession with photography I will be surely be doing it again soon so get ready!

The book, The Faces of IZZY'S COFFEE DEN is now available!
Price: $29.95 softcover or $39.95 hardcover (shipping not included).
To purchase a copy just click on the link below for a "limited preview" and order it directly online from the publisher.